Our Blog

New resources, posts, and helpful information to help you grow and develop your life.

Financial Freedom Versus Retirement

Financial Freedom Versus Retirement

In the pursuit of financial security and freedom, many individuals tend to fixate on retirement as the ultimate goal. However, this blog aims to shift the paradigm by emphasizing the significance of...

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Are you an investor or just invested?

Are you an investor or just invested?

Before we got financially educated, we were “INVESTED”, but not “INVESTORS”!  At the time, we didn’t know the difference, but now that we understand what it means to be an investor, we make much...

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5 Ways To Accelerate Your Wealth Growth

5 Ways To Accelerate Your Wealth Growth

When Miranda and I began our investing journey, we had zero financial education and had no idea how to get started.  Like many of you, we had spent many years educating and training in our...

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Five Ways Real Estate Makes Money

Five Ways Real Estate Makes Money

Have you ever wondered why so many real estate investors seem to "get rich"?  We've all heard about those wealthy real estate tycoons!  The fact is, most people know that real estate builds wealth,...

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What’s a cap rate and why it matters

What’s a cap rate and why it matters

Have you ever heard the term "cap rate" when listening to a conversation about commercial real estate and wondered exactly what it is or why it matters? It was one of the many things we didn't quite...

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Seven Reasons That I was a Terrible Investor

Seven Reasons That I was a Terrible Investor

Have you ever made a bad investment decision or realized that you’re just not as good at investing as you are at your chosen profession? I didn’t realize it at the time, but I used to be a terrible...

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Explaining inflation to an 11-year-old

Explaining inflation to an 11-year-old

Explaining inflation to an 11-year-old. Inflation kills wealth by eroding the purchasing power of our money! I didn’t understand this until I was nearly 45 years-old, but my son now understands this at 11 years-old! Is your money being devaled by inflation? If you’re not sure, keep reading!

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