Five Ways Real Estate Makes Money

Five Ways Real Estate Makes Money

Have you ever wondered why so many real estate investors seem to “get rich”?  We’ve all heard about those wealthy real estate tycoons!  The fact is, most people know that real estate builds wealth, but very few understand how it does so! Unlike your...
What’s a cap rate and why it matters

What’s a cap rate and why it matters

Have you ever heard the term “cap rate” when listening to a conversation about commercial real estate and wondered exactly what it is or why it matters? It was one of the many things we didn’t quite understand when we first started investing!  ...
Seven Reasons That I was a Terrible Investor

Seven Reasons That I was a Terrible Investor

Have you ever made a bad investment decision or realized that you’re just not as good at investing as you are at your chosen profession? I didn’t realize it at the time, but I used to be a terrible investor. Looking back, it’s embarrassing how uninformed I was when...
Explaining inflation to an 11-year-old

Explaining inflation to an 11-year-old

Great things happen when you listen to your kids and follow the conversations that THEY want to have!  I recently took my son Nathan to buy some new school clothes and he asked a question while we were driving home.  He had noticed how expensive the clothes were and...

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