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In non pulvinar purus. Curabitur nisi odio, blandit et elit at, suscipit pharetra efficitur elit. Etiam quis blandit erat donec laoreet libero non metus.
Seven Reasons That I was a Terrible Investor

Seven Reasons That I was a Terrible Investor

Have you ever made a bad investment decision or realized that you’re just not as good at investing as you are at your chosen profession? I didn’t realize it at the time, but I used to be a terrible investor. Looking back, it’s embarrassing how uninformed I was when...

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Explaining inflation to an 11-year-old

Explaining inflation to an 11-year-old

Explaining inflation to an 11-year-old. Inflation kills wealth by eroding the purchasing power of our money! I didn’t understand this until I was nearly 45 years-old, but my son now understands this at 11 years-old! Is your money being devaled by inflation? If you’re not sure, keep reading!

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How To Achieve Financial Freedom (Part 2)

How To Achieve Financial Freedom (Part 2)

If you just finished the first part of this blog post, welcome to Part 2! In Part 1, I covered the first five steps in achieving financial freedom. 1. Invest in yourself before investing in a vehicle 2. Define your “why” in wealth 3. Follow the path of others who have...

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How To Achieve Financial Freedom (Part 1)

How To Achieve Financial Freedom (Part 1)

Financial freedom sounds great, but what does it really mean and how can you achieve it? Most people mistakenly equate financial freedom with the size of one’s paycheck, yet most people with six-figure earned incomes are anything but free! This is because financial...

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