Our Blog
Seven Reasons That I was a Terrible Investor
Have you ever made a bad investment decision or realized that you’re just not as good at investing as you are at your chosen profession? I didn’t realize it at the time, but I used to be a terrible investor. Looking back, it’s embarrassing how uninformed I was when...
Equity-side vs Debt-side investing. What’s the difference and which one is right for you?
One of the many things we didn't understand when we were getting started in passive real estate investing was the difference between investing on the debt side or the equity side of the deal. Whether you've already invested in a multifamily deal OR are just thinking...
Explaining inflation to an 11-year-old
Explaining inflation to an 11-year-old. Inflation kills wealth by eroding the purchasing power of our money! I didn’t understand this until I was nearly 45 years-old, but my son now understands this at 11 years-old! Is your money being devaled by inflation? If you’re not sure, keep reading!
How To Achieve Financial Freedom (Part 2)
If you just finished the first part of this blog post, welcome to Part 2! In Part 1, I covered the first five steps in achieving financial freedom. 1. Invest in yourself before investing in a vehicle 2. Define your “why” in wealth 3. Follow the path of others who have...
How To Achieve Financial Freedom (Part 1)
Financial freedom sounds great, but what does it really mean and how can you achieve it? Most people mistakenly equate financial freedom with the size of one’s paycheck, yet most people with six-figure earned incomes are anything but free! This is because financial...
The 401k’atastrophy – what most people don’t know (but should) about their 401k!
If you're anything like I used to be, you're likely a strong advocate of using a 401k as the foundation of your financial success and retirement planning. After all, it's what most people do, it's what most financial planners and CPA's advocate, and it just seems to...